SLS: Ten Podcasting Commandments, Spotify

Spreaker Live Show #148 for Feb 28th, 2018 Show Duration: 50 minutes Host: Rob Greenlee, Head of Content, Spreaker @robgreenlee - rob(at)spreaker(dotcom) Co-Host: Alex Exum, Host of “The Exum Experience Podcast” on Spreaker We stream LIVE every Weds at 3 Pacific /6pm EST from Show Today: - Podcasting Stories, Challenges and Opportunities of the week - Linda Irwin’s “Ten Podcasting Commandments” - Spreaker Pathway to Spotify - We got some audio comments to share today - Podcasting Stories of the Week - Getting back to podcasting tips on this show Starting this week we are going to share podcasting stories from the past week that impacted us Things are heating up around Spotify Thinking about next evolution of social podcasting - these imature podcasting platforms like Anchor Alex what are your stories and experiences over the past week that have impacted your podcasting life Podcasters on YouTube getting kicked off -“Ten Podcasting Commandments” Linda Irwin’s 6: Thou shalt not steal copyrighted content. Thou shall always know something about your guest before you begin the show. Thou shalt not leave dead space in your cast. Thou shalt not commit ear rape by suddenly blasting a loud sound or music several decibels above what the rest of your show is playing. Thou shall limit your "um", "ya know" and other audio space fillers to less than 20 per half hour (preferably less than ten). Thou shalt not ingest noisy foods and beverages during the episode unless it is part of a comedy sketch or a specific point you are making. Rob’s: Thou shall speak and refer to one person when recording/live streaming your podcast Rob’s: Thou shall speak very closely to your microphone Rob’s: Thou shall create the best audio quality you can afford Rob’s: Thou shall be as entertaining, informative and personable as you have the talent to be Spotify + Spreaker and BlogTalkRadio has submissions deal? Let your friends know, get a show on Spreaker and have them submit it to me - Listener Comments: JD Sutter - Audio Comment: Play - Download in Webplayer, Image in YouTube - Compression issue - will find Tamara Ford - Shelf Addiction Podcast - About Apple Podcast Changes: Play Linda Irwin I think giving segments on each show about Voxnest, Blog Talk Radio and Spreaker, a little bit of everything. Doug Salamone - Talk about podcaster inclusiveness. Great discussion guys. It's easy for Alex Exum to talk.....hahaha. Me Against The World Alex record live and don't worry about it. That's how Me Against The World is produced and it always comes out awesome! Alex needs to do more episodes. - Coming podcasting events Rain Summit in NYC next month (March 22nd) NAB Show in Las Vegas - (April 7-13) World Wide Radio Summit in LA - (May 2-4, 2018) PodSummit in Edmonton, Canada - (May 5th) Spreaker/Voxnest Links: Email: rob at Send Questions and Comments to: Twitter: using #SpreakerLive Twitter: Twitter: Twitter: Tech Support: support at