SLS: Dynamic Ad Insertion Revenue is Here

Spreaker Live Show #158 for June 27th, 2018 Show Duration: 56 minutes -Host: Rob Greenlee, Head of Partnerships, Voxnest and Spreaker @robgreenlee - rob(at)voxnest(dotcom) -Co-Host: Alex Exum, Host of “The Exum Experience Podcast” on Spreaker -We stream LIVE every Weds at 3 Pacific /6pm EST from -You can now get the show on Google Podcasts App on Android - is COMING FAST - Next month in Philly July 23-26 Show Today: - Future of Dynamic Ad Insertion to Automate Podcast Revenue - Auto Sharing to Facebook Shifts to Pages - Spreaker Custom Show Apps Header Image Size shared - We got some of your comments On the show today: - Future of Dynamic Ad Insertion to Automate Podcast Revenue Dynamic Ad Insertion is now accessible to all levels of podcasters. Discuss the growing area of dynamic ad insertion Ad insertion technology is being used by an increasing number of podcasters to not only increase advertising revenue across archive episodes, but also to insert pre-recorded host/live read ad mentions as well. We will discuss when it makes sense to use ad insertion How this element of ad technology will continue to change podcast advertising as programmatic buying increases. Share some best practices you should be doing now to ensure you are ready to enable ad insertion down the road. Here is a video demo Alex made of show clock he uses in his Live production on Windows 10: - Auto Sharing to Facebook Shifts to Pages ATTENTION! SPREAKER USERS Starting August 1 automatic sharing option to your Facebook 'Profile' will no longer function, you will only be able to enjoy the auto-share function with Facebook 'Pages'! What you’ll need to set up your Facebook Page - How to create your Facebook Page A name for your Page and a blurb about your business Your Page name can be your business name or another name that people may search for to find your business. Use the About section to tell people a little bit about what your business does. - A profile photo and cover photo Choose photos that best represent your business. You may use your logo as your profile photo and an image of your store, products, or one from a current marketing campaign as your cover photo. - Learn about image dimensions for Page photos The action you want people to take when they come to your Page At the top of your Page you can add a call-to-action that directs your Page visitors to do something, like visit your website or call your store. Adding a call-to-action button is as easy as a few clicks. - Learn about adding a call-to-action button to your Page - Spreaker Custom Show Apps Header Image Size If you want a Show App on iOS and Android - $99 annually for each in Spreaker Store area Apps header image size is now disclosed - 400 x 150, was not disclosed before now Listener Comments & Questions: - Porchlight Family Media The Google Podcasts app leaves a lot to be desired. As an avid consumer of podcasts (in addition to a podcast producer), if I can't create a playlist then the app has no appeal to me whatsoever. The app is virtually featureless. I hope this is just the beginning for Google and that they don't stop here. -JD - Doug Salamone Google's new Podcast has limited appeal. But what I really want to know is what's their main agenda with this creation? Remember when their motto was...Don't do evil? Not anymore... PM18 Yes! Rob I need a new Spreaker T-shirt. - Linda Irwin Rob . . . you are calming and not blase at all. Too funny, Alex! Your newest app . . . Google Play blocker. *LOL*! I will stick with the Spreaker Android tablet app. It works great. I also need to hear at normal speed. I think it would be nice if Spreaker Live Show could occasionally have a live call-in show to interact with listeners. There were five of us on the marathon live show at one time through the Skype number with Alex. I use the Android tablet app when I travel. Spreaker/Voxnest Links: Email: rob at Send Questions and Comments to: Twitter: using #SpreakerLive Twitter: Twitter: Twitter: Tech Support: support at