SLS: Podcast Movement Wrap, Spreaker Data

Spreaker Live Show #161 for Aug 1st, 2018 Show Duration: 60 minutes -Host: Rob Greenlee, Head of Partnerships, Voxnest and Spreaker @robgreenlee - rob(at)voxnest(dotcom) -Co-Host: Alex Exum, Host of “The Exum Experience Podcast” on Spreaker -We stream LIVE every Weds at 3 Pacific /6pm EST from -You can now get the show on Google Podcasts App on Android - is the Next Podcasting Event Spreaker is Sponsoring Aug 30- Sept 3 in Atlanta: Doing 3 Podcasting Panels -Podcasting Past, Present, and Future Join different panelists describing why they started in podcasting, what they are doing with it, where they see us going as a whole, and giving hope. We have had podcasting founders (11 years or longer) and groundbreakers (women in the field, network starters). Q&A featured! Presenters: Tyra A Burton, Tony P Henderson(M), Kreg Stepp, B.C. Dodge, Roberto Blake, Rob Greenlee - Fri 11:30 am; « Galleria 6; 1 Hour(s); - Networking: The Why When and How about joining a podcast network As an up and coming podcaster, we want to gain the most aware of our shows and get the most out of our experiences. But is a network right for you? Come to ask podcast network heads as they share the reasons behind what they look for in shows and what you need to know as an independent podcaster. Presenters: Mike Faber, CJ Boat, Michael Falkner, Tony P Henderson, Panelist: Paul Klotz, Rob Greenlee - Fri 02:30 pm; « Galleria 6; 1 Hour(s); - PodTank: Pitch your podcast It's like Shark Tank for the podcast, except with no money! What you do get to do is give us your two-minute podcast pitch. Then you will get feedback from the panel of judges on how the pitch was received and how to do it better. Half workshop half entertainment - will you survive the PodTank? Presenters: Charles McFall(J), Rob Roberts(J), Scottye Moore, Sean Weiland, Adam Portrais, Rob Greenlee - Fri 10:00 pm; Galleria 6; 1 Hour(s); Show Today: - Podcast Movement 2018 Wrap-Up - Spreaker’s “Top Listen Referrers and Growth” - How Pervasive do we want Smart Speakers in our Lives? - How Important are Podcasting Values vs. Cheating to gain success? On the show today: -Podcast Movement 2018 Wrap-Up 2 Billion Android Phones - Spreaker is growing fastest on Android The number of Android phones around the world who will have easier access to podcasts with Google's new app and initiative. Opportunity with a capital "O". (Google) -17% Do listen to Podcasts on Weekly basis While the number ticks up with each study, the percent of people listening to podcasts on a weekly basis is growing rather slowly. Right now it is at 17% of Americans. (Edison Research) -- 83% Don't -48% The percent of people unsure of how to listen to a podcast. This includes people who are interested in listening to podcasts, and those who don't even know they have a podcast app on their phone. How Far has Podcasting Come: -How Pervasive do we want Smart Speakers in our Lives? Less than 1% Listening to Podcasts on Smart Speakers Current amount of listening to podcasts on smart speakers. Yes, is it is frightening low. The potential here is significant. As Edison’s Tom Webster said, the low number is “a cry for help.” 18% of Americans 18+ own smart speakers – 43 million Americans now own at least one. This is happening fast. Faster than smartphones. (Edison Research) Shelf Addiction Yeah... Bathrooms are definitely off limits. Lol Linda Irwin Even the NSA is not allowed to see what is happening in my bathroom. 😉 Spreaker Live Show Linda, Could be built into devices in bathroom or mirror. Linda Irwin They are not following me into the bathroom. That is where I draw the line. 😃 How Important are Podcasting Values vs. Cheating to gain success? Spreaker/Voxnest Links: Email: rob at Send Questions and Comments to: Twitter: using #SpreakerLive Twitter: Twitter: Twitter: Tech Support: support at