SLS: Terms of Service vs Free Speech, Why is Radio Struggling to Podcast?

Spreaker Live Show #162 for Aug 8th, 2018 Show Duration: 65 minutes -Host: Rob Greenlee, Head of Partnerships, Voxnest and Spreaker @robgreenlee - rob(at)voxnest(dotcom) -Co-Host: Alex Exum, Host of “The Exum Experience Podcast” on Spreaker -We stream LIVE every Weds at 3 Pacific /6pm EST from -You can now get the show on Google Podcasts App on Android Show Today: - How does Spreaker’s Terms of Service vs Free Speech impact YOU (podcaster)? - Is Radio Struggling with Podcasting? - What Are Podcasting’s Hot Topics? On the show today: -How does Spreaker’s Terms of Service impact YOU (podcaster)? Hot topic this week in Podcasting space with the high profile take down of Alex Jones Podcast Spreaker TOS - This document is a legal agreement between you, the User, and the entity providing Spreaker. It governs your use of the online properties and, in any case, for the use of the services provided. “Legal agreement” means that the terms of this agreement are binding on the relationship between you and us once you have accepted the terms. -In order to use Spreaker, you must read this Agreement carefully and agree to accept the same by clicking the button for its acceptance. If you don’t accept this Agreement you cannot use the Service. The Owner (Spreaker) reserves the right to suspend or terminate the User's account at any time and without notice if it believes that: User has violated this Agreement; and/or User's access or use of the Service may result in injury to the Owner, other Users or third parties; and/or the use of Spreaker by the User may result in violation of law or regulations; and/or in case of an investigation by legal action or governmental involvement; and/or the account is deemed to be, at the Owner’s sole discretion, for whatever reason, inappropriate or offensive or in violation of this Agreement. - Forbidden use The Service shall be used only in accordance with these Terms. Users may not: reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, modify or create derivative works based on Spreaker or any portion of it; circumvent any technology used by Spreaker or its licensors to protect content accessible via it; copy, store, edit, change, prepare any derivative work of or alter in any way any of the content provided through Spreaker; use any robot, spider, site search/retrieval application, or other automated device, process or means to access, retrieve, scrape, or index any portion of Spreaker or its content; rent, lease or sublicense Spreaker; defame, abuse, harass, use threatening practices, threaten or violate the legal rights of others in any other way (such as rights of privacy and publicity); disseminate or publish content that is unlawful, obscene, illegitimate, defamatory or inappropriate; misappropriate any account in use by another User; register or use the Service in order to approach the Users to promote, sell or advertise products or services of any kind through Spreaker in any way; use Spreaker in any other improper manner that violates the Terms. disseminate or publish content that is unlawful, obscene, illegitimate, defamatory or inappropriate; publish any content that promotes, either directly or indirectly, hate, racism, discrimination, pornography, violence; promote activity that may endanger your life or the life of any other User or lead to physical harm. This includes, but is not limited to: suicide threats, intentional physical trauma, use of illegal drugs, or drinking excessively. Under no circumstance is any User allowed to post any content promoting and/or encouraging and/or showing any self - destructive or violent behaviour on Spreaker; publish any content or carry out any activity that disrupts, interrupts, harms, or otherwise violates the integrity of Spreaker or another User's experience or devices. Such activity includes: spamming, distributing unauthorized advertisements, phishing, defrauding others, spreading malware or viruses etc.; publish any content that exclusively focuses on extreme or gratuitous gore and violence; probe, scan or test the vulnerability of Spreaker, including the services or any network connected to the website, nor breach the security or authentication measures on Spreaker, including the services or any network connected to Spreaker; conceal their identity or steal someone else's identity or, in any case, pretend to be or represent a third party, if not expressly allowed to do so by such third party; manipulate identifiers in order to disguise or otherwise conceal the origin of their messages or of the content published; harvest or collect any personally identifying information of other Users, including but not limited to the email addresses or contact information, by circumventing the privacy setting of User's account on Spreaker or by any other means; register or use the Service in order to approach the Users to promote, sell or advertise products or services of any kind through Spreaker in any way; indicate or try to imply in any manner that you have a relationship with Spreaker or that Spreaker has endorsed you, your products or services or any third party's products and services for any purpose; use Spreaker to publish or otherwise disseminate copyrighted material, without the consent of the copyright holder. - Is Radio Struggling with Podcasting? Article written by Steven Goldstein for - How will commercial radio power through, and, more significantly, what is hindering the progress of commercial radio in podcasting? Answer - model after public radio!!! Podcasts are not the same as broadcasts. There is a widespread but false assumption that broadcast audio migrates easily to downloaded audio. Our experience is that each media platform is different. What works on TV is different from what works on YouTube, yet they are both video experiences. In a similar way, podcasts are different from terrestrial radio. We’re finding a similar pattern in our work with smart speakers. Different types of content connect and resonate on smart speakers. Who’s going to make all this stuff? Looking down the hallways at the average radio station, you’ll see there aren’t a lot of extra bodies. Everyone is doing three jobs. Who will focus on podcasting in each station, and do they understand the medium? DJ’s aren’t trained for this. Most air personalities are great at what they’ve been trained to do, connecting with an audience in brief snippets, but does that mean they are qualified to do a 30-minute podcast on health or motherhood? Many stations assume they can take their talent and easily build original podcast content around them. So far, the results are sketchy. Podcasts can be hard to monetize. Building worthwhile podcasts and teaching the audience how to find and listen to them is a process that can be antithetical to the “We’ve got to make the June budget” environment. R&D plays a big role. Fear of cannibalization. Most radio programmers are working harder than ever to levitate Persons Using Radio levels and TSL against the numerous outside forces and choices ranging from Spotify to owned music and podcasts. Many view podcasts as accelerating radio’s decline. Innovation is critical today as brands learn to meet customers where they are. Starbucks built a ready-to-drink business of in-grocery-store sales. It has taken them 10 years, but today it accounts for 12 percent of their business. If you build it, they will likely come — but it may not be by Tuesday. One of radio’s great assets is its powerful megaphone to drive traffic, but ahead of that is the development of quality content that people will seek out and download. The bar is higher than just punching around the radio dial. But is is the same target audience listening to podcasts is the question? What works in every content-first setting is the development of difficult-to-duplicate, compelling programming. That’s the place for commercial radio to start on its podcast quest. - What Are Podcasting’s Hot Topics? Do we NEED a NEW Professional Podcasting Association IAB v.2 Metrics Standards Certification? How to GROW OVERALL Listenership? Is New Content outpacing Listenership? Podfading Issues Impacts of Spotify, Google Podcasts, possibly Pandora? 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