SLS: Adding Guests or Callers to Podcasts

Spreaker Live Show #166 for Sept 26th, 2018 Show Duration: 45 minutes -Host: Rob Greenlee, VP of Podcaster Relations, Voxnest and Spreaker @robgreenlee - rob(at)voxnest(dotcom) -Co-Host: Alex Exum, Host of "Live Talk" and “The Exum Experience Podcast” on Spreaker -We stream LIVE every Weds at 3 Pacific /6pm EST from -You can now get the show on Google Podcasts App on Android -You can hear this show on Amazon Echo Smart Speakers now via the New Spreaker Skill We have removed User Level RSS feeds from Spreaker New Survey Research “Podcast Trend Report” * 76.8% of people listen to podcasts for more than 7 hours each week. * 61.2% of respondents spend more time listening to podcasts than watching TV. * 48.8% of respondents said they purchased an item after hearing it advertised on a podcast. * 57.4% of podcasters list marketing and building an audience among their top challenges. Show Today: - New Podcast Trend Report 2018 - Adding Callers & Guests To Your Live Show - Apple Releases Podcast Marketing Best Practices Website - Great Britain = England, Scotland, and Wales added to AdRev Program - Listener Comments & Questions On the show today: High Adding Callers & Guests To Your Show Am producing a video series on using Spreaker Studio for Desktop With these external platforms: - Skype - Google Hangout - Zoom - Uberconference - FreeConferenceCall -Apple Releases Podcast Marketing Tips You’re a podcaster. But there’s another name for what you are: a storyteller. So when it comes to marketing your show, think of it as telling the story of your podcast. Use these tips and best practices to help get the word out, so your show can find listeners everywhere. Fundamentals of Podcast Marketing -Great Britain = England, Scotland, and Wales added to AdRev Program Shows based in there can make AdRev share revenue now -Coming Events Spreaker will be at: Next Event: Rain Summit Canada - Toronto - Oct 10th, 18 NAB NYC - Oct 17-18, 2018 - Booth N264 Vancouver Podcast Festival - November 8-10, 2018 - in Seattle - Jan 19-20, 2019 - Large event Listener Comments & Questions: FreeCircle Hi guys, I love the name of your show! I feel it gives you an authority like feeling in the business. Gives me that feeling you know what you are talking about. The name got me hooked. Great job to the both of you we learn a lot. Thanks. Shelf Addiction I've taught five people at my job in the last month how to listen to a podcast and I always load mines on there first. LOL Spreaker/Voxnest Links: Email: rob at Send Questions and Comments to: Twitter: using #SpreakerLive Twitter: Twitter: Twitter: Tech Support: support at