SLS: 2019 Podcasting Trends To Watch, Holiday Podcasting

Spreaker Live Show #174 for Dec 19th, 2018 Show Duration: 60 minutes - Host: Rob Greenlee, VP of Podcaster Relations of Voxnest that operates Spreaker. I am a 14+ year podcaster that started out on the radio. This is the official podcast of Spreaker platform. @robgreenlee - rob(at)voxnest(dotcom) - Co-Host: Alex Exum, Host of "Live Talk" and “The Exum Experience Podcast” on Spreaker - We stream LIVE every Weds at 3pm PST / 6pm EST from -You can now get the show on Google Podcasts App on Android - You can hear this show on Amazon Echo Smart Speakers now via the New Spreaker Skill - If you want to send me an audio promo for your show, I would be happy to play it on the show. - Just create an MP3 and give me a brief description of your show in an email to me at - Spreaker Blog Topics: - Olá! Spreaker Studio App Now Speaks Brazilian Portuguese - Growing your podcast listeners? Try these 8 tips Show Today: - 7 Podcasting Trends to Watch For in 2019 - Should you podcast during the holidays? - Podcasts have an Increasingly Diverse Audience - Listener Comments On the show today: - Podcasting Trends To Watch For in 2019: 1) In 2018, growth on the podcast content side has been outpacing the listening side, and that’s leading me to wonder whether all this content can realistically find an audience that will align with the projected advertising revenue in 2019 and beyond. If podcast history serves as a guide, growth in audience will catch up eventually to bring balance again. What this means is that podcasters can't simply build it and wait for audiences to come. In 2019 and beyond, as more and more content is available, it will be increasingly important the whole podcast industry focus on converting more android smartphone and radio listeners to becoming podcast listeners in 2019. 2) Podcasters in 2019 will be looking to get in all the new music service platforms and grow big audiences while also expecting more promotional support from their podcast hosting platforms. Those platforms providing this level of support will prove challenging to do across thousands of podcast shows, but is very much part of the growing need and desire to grow the podcast listening audience for their show and the overall industry. 3) Listening trends in 2019 will increasingly be built around very diverse audience communities. No longer can podcasts be seen as a by-white-male, for-white-male medium. In fact, 2018 marked the year when the demographics of podcast audiences nearly mirrored the demographics of the United States overall. at least for gender and ethnicity 4) International growth of downloads will continue in 2019 from these top 10 fastest growing countries based on Voxnest data in 2018: Brazil, New Zealand, Ireland, Netherlands, Japan, Hong Kong, Australia, Turkey, Mexico, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Looking at the countries with the highest quantity of downloads: United States of America, Denmark, Brazil, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Spain, Italy, Canada, Australia, Mexico, New Zealand, Poland. We see that even some mature podcasting markets are still growing. 5) When it comes to mobile devices, the Android operating system is the global leader, with an astonishing 72% market share. Still, with just 24.4% of the market, Apple dominates when it comes to podcast listening worldwide. According to our metrics, the ratio of listening on Apple Podcasts versus general podcast listening on Android is about five to one. With this disparity, it seems getting a larger share of Android users to listen to podcasts would immediately increase the number of listeners worldwide. 6) When Google Podcasts launched, there was a lot of excitement around its potential to grow the industry exponentially and quickly. But after a surge at launch, adoption has slowed and usage declined. Six months in, most would classify the initiative as a big disappointment. Many industry leaders believe the reasons Google Podcasts has struggled include a confusing app installation process and a complete lack of promotion - particularly from podcasters, who are primarily in the Apple ecosystem. 7) In 2019 will see industry wide rollout of IAB podcast audience metrics standards that will forever change the podcast advertising market as the medium will finally have a measurement of downloads that everyone is in agreement. As more podcast hosting platforms including Voxnest’s Spreaker undergo the extensive and expensive verification for the IAB v.2 Podcast Metrics Guideline certification, advertisers’ confidence in podcasting will grow. Armed with analytics that show real, growing ROI, 2019 should be a breakthrough year where more big brands turn to the medium to reach and engage audiences. Meanwhile, as the year progresses, the emphasis on audience metrics as the competitive feature that business models are built on, the industry can get back to competing based on the quality of the content. Should you podcast during the holidays? “Man In Beta” Posted this to comments from episode #172: This should go back to how well you know your audience surely? Thanksgiving was only a holiday in the States. How much of your audience are you ignoring by only thinking about one market? I think you need to look at your stats and work out WHERE your audience is before answering this question. If 90% are outside the States, then you're doing your audience a disservice. But this "States first " mentality is a little odd in the modern podcasting realm considering where most the major platforms were founded - hint: most are not from the States (Spotify, Deezer, Spreaker, SoundCloud) and ignores the global reach of Google and Apple Podcasts. Americans need to get their heads out of their box and realise there is a whole world out there full of current and potential listeners. For example, my Football Manager podcast (yes soccer) has a nice little audience in Vietnam and Australia. - Podcasts have an Increasingly Diverse Audience No longer can podcasts be seen as a by-white-male, for-white-male medium. In fact, 2018 marked the year when the demographics of podcast audiences nearly mirrored the demographics of the United States overall. at least for gender and ethnicity. According to a presentation by Edison Research at this year’s WerkIt conference, the podcast audience is now 48% female, up from 44% in 2016 and 2017. 2018- 52% men /48% women 2017- 56% men / 44% women 2016- 56% men/ 44% women The nearly-even split is only part of the story. In the U.S., women buy more than 80 percent of all U.S. goods and services, making them an important audience for advertisers. Furthermore, self-identified heavy podcast listeners fall into highly-coveted demographic groups: married, millennials with kids and high earnings. It’s the growth of this audience that will bring more brands to podcast advertising to catalyze the industry’s growth. - Listener Comments: Linda Irwin I use different voices for my characters, too. I doubt if I could find anyone else to help me out and my comedy partner is unavailable for over a year and a half now. I sometimes have to change the days I do shows month to month, but I warn people in the show itself before the schedule changes. I also do not have a minimum time length but I do not go over 45 minutes. Our listeners prefer that. Spreaker/Voxnest Links: Email: rob at Send Questions and Comments to: Twitter: using #SpreakerLive Twitter: Twitter: Twitter: Tech Support: support at