SLS: Top Reasons To Podcast Live

Spreaker Live Show #176 for Jan 16th, 2019 Show Duration: 50 minutes - Host: Rob Greenlee, VP of Podcaster Relations of Voxnest that operates Spreaker. I am a 14+ year podcaster that started out on the radio. This is the official podcast of Spreaker platform. @robgreenlee - rob(at)voxnest(dotcom) - Co-Host: Alex Exum, Host of "Live Talk" and “The Exum Experience Podcast” on Spreaker - We stream LIVE every Weds at 3pm PST / 6pm EST from -You can now get the show on Google Podcasts App on Android - You can hear this show on Amazon Echo Smart Speakers now via the New Spreaker Skill - If you want to send me an audio promo for your show, I would be happy to play it on the show. - Just create an MP3 and give me a brief description of your show in an email to me at - Spreaker Blog Topics: Show Today: - Top Reasons To Podcast Live - 2018 Saw Fast Growth in NEW Podcasts Published - Podcon 2 is coming this Weekend Jan 19-20 in Seattle at - Listener Comments & Questions On the show today: - Top Reasons To Podcast Live - Is LIVE Podcasting A Thing? When I started podcasting in 2012, live podcasting was a relatively new thing. Podcasts were always an “on-demand” medium, allowing you to consume pre-recorded content later via RSS. In fact, only a few podcasting companies allowed you to podcast live, like my podcast host Like other users I played with the go-live option, but preferred to take the safe, traditional route and pre-record the show. It wasn’t until I did a live all-day marathon that I found the true power of doing a live broadcast. Now, in 2018, I’m all in on live broadcasting! Here are the top reasons why you should consider going live. Instant Interaction And Feedback - Listener Friendships Did you just hit your listener’s funny bone? It’s easy to see with the string of LOLs and emojis in the comments section. Shock your audience into silence? Silent phones are a dead giveaway. Did you piss off all your listeners? The ALL CAPS comments full of bite and bile tell the tale. If you wonder how listeners are reacting to your show, going live is a great way to get instant feedback. Most podcasts may get five to 10 comments max per episode, but go live and it is common to get hundreds of comments per episode. Granted, many of the comments are from the same users, but the overall interaction and feedback is far and beyond any on-demand podcast you might do. Immediate Satisfaction - Both Host and Live Listener When I was an actor doing live theater, I loved the immediate satisfaction of hearing the audience gasp from a dramatic moment on stage. My fellow thespians and I would become motivated and energized by their reaction. You will find the same thing happening to you when broadcasting live. Don’t forget this goes both ways. Your audience will get immediate acknowledgement in real time and it will encourage them to give even more feedback. Less Production Time - Pre-planning makes a difference Pre-production not your thing? Going live can help with that. Just play a quick intro and get into the meat of the show. No need for fancy sound bites, effects, royal music, etc. Find post-production editing too time consuming? No worries, since the show is already published. When using platforms like you have the option to have the live broadcast archived. The download is then available to those who prefer to listen on-demand. It’s Exciting! --- Thrill and Scary Too! I still get a rush when I see the “Live” light turn on. There is a certain energy that comes with broadcasting live. Part of the excitement is not knowing what might happen next. There is a vibe you just don’t get recording a podcast by yourself in an empty room. On-demand can actually feel a bit boring after going live for a while. Alex Exum is the host of ‘Live Talk’ Monday – Thursdays 7 p.m. PST at and 2018 Saw Large Growth in NEW Podcasts Published - Doubling of Episodes Successful podcasters know they need to earn listeners’ time, attention, and loyalty. It’s never been more important to produce original, high-quality, creatively brave shows. It’s never been more important to invest in audience development and show marketing. The crowd is getting bigger. How will you stand out? Podcon 2 is coming this weekend Jan 19-20 in Seattle at Discount on tickets is available by using discount code “spreaker” - $10 off Spreaker will have a booth and is Silver Sponsor of the event We will have 4 people from Spreaker (Voxnest) at the event in Orlando is Coming Too in March Listener Comments: Shelf Addiction That day I was featured, I think there was a small spike in listens. It wasn't drastic, but I did notice a small bump. ~Tamara THE FRINGE FM I think another thing people need to ask themselves is.....Are they ready to be heard by thousands? Is the show ready to go? Because listeners give you one or two chances and that's about it. Linda Irwin Get onto as many platforms as you can because you catch new people that way. I very recently returned to You Tube. Before you join those platforms, be sure to read the fine print on their terms of service. Many newer ones claim full ownership to your content. Spreaker/Voxnest Links: Email: rob at Send Questions and Comments to: Twitter: using #SpreakerLive Twitter: Twitter: Twitter: Tech Support: support at