SLS: Building Community, Podcast Business Plans

Spreaker Live Show #183 for March 20th, 2019 Show Duration: 50 minutes - Host: Rob Greenlee, VP of Podcaster Relations of Voxnest that operates Spreaker. I am a 14+ year podcaster that started out on the radio. This is the official podcast of Spreaker platform. @robgreenlee - rob(at)voxnest(dotcom) - We stream LIVE every Weds at 3pm PST / 6pm EST from -You can now get the show on Google Podcasts App on Android - You can hear this show on Amazon Echo Smart Speakers now via the New Spreaker Skill - If you want to send me an audio promo for your show, I would be happy to play it on the show. - Just create an MP3 and give me a brief description of your show in an email to me at - Spreaker Blog Topics: On the show this week: - The Power of Joining or Starting Podcaster and Listening Communities - In The Interview: We are discussing Creating a Podcast Business Plan as Most Podcasts are actually small businesses. Guest is Debbie DeChambeau *Play clip from the interview - Podcast Promo of the Week: Multilinguish Podcast by Babbel - for the Language Curious - Featured Podcast Promo of the Week → The Live Drop w/Mark Valley - Stories from the Elusive World of Intelligence Collection and Espionage - If you want to send me an audio promo for your show, I would be happy to play it on the show. Just create an MP3 and give me a brief description of your show in an email to me at - Podcasting & Spreaker’s Events Calendar - Listener Comments Let's get into the show: -The Power of Joining or Starting Podcaster and Listening Communities Spreaker has published a terrific blog post about this topic at The two platforms that dominate for building these communities are Meetup and Facebook or mix of both, but Google Groups does still exist but is a little old school The one exception is “Telegram” a platform that has gained traction in Spanish speaking countries. Generally Meetup excelled in event discovery by attendees, but Facebook was more appropriate for group discussion. Totally makes sense to me. Seems like the power is to use both Meetup and Facebook Groups Organizers discussed in the blog post generally feel like Meetup is great for RSVPs but those people aren’t as likely to show up. Those that find out about events on Facebook do tend to show up more. Meetup attendees are notoriously flakey”. I agree, I have run Podcaster Meetups in Seattle for Years. Attendance will vary a lot based on month of the year, venue and purpose of the event Communities attract all levels of podcaster Being an Event Organizer can have many professional benefits - building your leadership brand can help your podcast grow too. On the listener community side, I would recommend to create just a Facebook group for your listeners to engage with each other and ge listener feedback on topics and building intra-listener relationships. -Podcast Promo of the Week: Multilinguish Podcast by Babbel USA Team: Are Not multilingual, but language-curious? Explore how language connects us all — from the producers at the language-learning app Babbel. In season 1, we dig into unsolved linguistic mysteries, sexist robots, the best travel advice you've never heard, if language affects our worldview, which accents are sexiest, and more! New episodes every Tuesday. Play Audio Clip --> Featured Podcast Show Of The Week: The Live Drop -- Join host Mark Valley as he ventures into the elusive world of intelligence collection and espionage to spot, assess and debrief: spies, spy catchers, analysts, diplomats and occasionally the actors who portray them. A new episode each week brings stories and analysis from the Cold War to the present. Drop in at - In the most recent episode Mark talks to Tom Pecora is a 24 year CIA veteran and senior clandestine security manager the CIA’s War on Terror, and a career in Clandestine security operations. - -- play clip here -Listener Comment - Linda Irwin I have used licensed Epidemic Sound to create entire music shows on Spreaker that feed to Spotify. Those generally have more listens than my comedy shows. -Podcasting & Spreaker Event Calendar - Las Vegas - April 6-11th, 2019, Voxnest and Spreaker will be there in force with a booth again this year. I will be speaking at the GRANDtable Event in Phoenix, Arizona at Arizona State University on April 2nd at 8am PST Outlier Podcast Festival at Austin, TX - Keynoting - May 17th - 18th - The Audiocraft Podcast Festival (Sydney NSW, Australia: May 31 - June 2) has announced its initial lineup, Our very own Jonathan Zenti (Voxnest/Meat) will be joining the speakers list down under. -The Interview: I am joined on the show today by Debbie DeChambeau, Select Business Team, llc, she is a podcaster with a few of her own business podcasts and was a Presenter of a session at Podfest Multimedia Expo in Orlando on the topic of “Business Planning for Podcasters” and thought that would be a great topic for the show… Checkout Debbie’s Business in Real Life Podcast → Business of Insurance Podcast Play Interview Is Your Podcast Going To Be a Business or Hobby? Do Most Podcasters NEED a Content and Business Plan? Parts of the Plan (Cover sheet, exec summary, company description, market and competitive analysis, marketing, operations, management/HR, financial, supporting docs) If your Podcast is a Hobby: Do you still need a Content and Business Plan as Hobby podcasts if done good can become a business. So you need to prepare for that and in the competitive content marketplace of today a plan/strategy gives you an advantage. Do research and talk to others who have succeeded. Sometimes Building Yourself a Business Team (accountant, bookkeeper, business attorney, insurance, banker, marketing outsourced HR, business coach) Other Resources to Help with Process? There's so much to cover here, but don’t have enough time. How should a podcaster proceed - other trainings, resources and listening to your podcast? How can a Podcaster Find you “Debbie”. Spreaker/Voxnest Links: Email: rob at Send Questions and Comments to: Twitter: using #SpreakerLive Twitter: Twitter: Twitter: Tech Support: support at